Sandra was born in the Waikato town of Morrinsville, and grew up on a dairy farm. She has an 18 year old year old daughter who has left home to attend University in Wellington. Sandra lives with her partner Jason, and two cats (unless it’s university holidays!). Sandra was one of seven students who were…
Phonak Paradise hearing aids – 7 day trials
In October this year Phonak released their latest family of hearing instruments, called Paradise. With Paradise you can have a hearing solution that: Recharges overnight while in its storage box Allows hands free operation of your mobile phone, with the conversation heard in both hearing aids at the same time Can be Bluetooth paired to…
Get to know Jing better!
Jing Feng came to NZ from Tianjin China as an international student in 2002. Initially Jing studied nursing at the Auckland University of Technology. She completed her post-graduate diploma at the University of Auckland. After graduation, Jing immediately began working in the Ear Nose and Throat field, and has continued to specialise in this area…
Directional Microphones
When we talk to people about their hearing and what situations they most want to hear better in, for most people their top priority is to have an improved ability to hear in noisy environments. You’ll know that hearing aids are getting smarter, but do you understand what clever things the hearing instruments do, without…
Communication Tips for those with hearing loss
With the days getting longer and the weather improving, social get togethers are increasing, and the Christmas break is now only a couple of months away. For those with a hearing loss, this can be a challenging time. Here are a few communication tips to make it easier. Wear your hearing instruments The most important…
What is a diagnostic hearing test?
A ‘diagnostic hearing test’ is also known as a ‘complete’, or ‘full’ hearing test. It is an in depth assessment that looks at the function of your outer, middle and inner ears and takes approximately 30 minutes. HISTORY We review your history of ear disease, take a note of any ear or hearing symptoms you…